To find books, audio/visual materials, or print periodicals on your topic, conduct a keyword or subject search in the Library Catalog.
Try synonyms and related terms:
black OR African American
racism OR discrimination
rap OR hip-hop
From the information you find in the Catalog, be sure to note:
To become more familiar with finding materials in the Library's print collection, here's a guide to using Library of Congress call numbers:
Research Guides describe and provide access to the most useful resources available through Truxal Library for particular fields of study, including the best databases to use. Use Research Guides to discover and develop research topics within a particular discipline:
Click on the links below to search for articles from periodicals (magazines, journals, newspapers, etc.) and for information from electronic books and multimedia resources. From off-campus, you will need to enter the barcode number from the back of your AACC photo ID or Truxal Library card.
Oxford African American Studies Center
Comprehensive collection of scholarship focusing on the lives and events which have shaped African American and African history and culture
Academic OneFile
Articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals, including full text from periodicals like Journal of African American History, Harvard Journal of African American Public Policy, Black Scholar, and more
Academic Search Premier
Articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals, including full text from periodicals like African American Review, Journal of African American Men, Black Collegian, and more
Project MUSE
Current full text of scholarly literary journals like Black Music Research Journal, Callaloo, Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Transitions, and more
JSTOR Arts & Sciences Collections
Full text of older issues of periodicals like The Black Scholar, The Journal of Black Studies, The Journal of African American History, and more
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Position papers, reference materials, periodical articles, statistics, and more about controversial topics and current events
Academic Video Online
Streaming video, including commercial and governmental newsreels, archival footage, public affairs footage, and important documentaries in American history, world history, ethnic studies, ethnography, and more
Ebook Central
Over 20,000 electronic books covering many subjects, including numerous titles related to African American studies
EBSCO eBook Collection
Nearly 50,000 electronic books, covering all academic disciplines
Credo Reference
Reference book titles like Black Firsts, African American Writers: A Dictionary, Africa and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History, and more
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Reference book titles like Race Relations in the United States, Slavery in the United States, Encyclopedia of Race and Crime, and more
To further research historical context, use:
Daily Life through History
Historical information about different cultures throughout history
Academic Video Online
Commercial and governmental newsreels, archival footage, public affairs footage, and important documentaries
National Newspapers & The Sun
Articles from the archives of the New York Times (from 1851), Washington Post (from 1877), and Baltimore Sun (from 1837)
No full text available?
Have only an article's abstract or just a citation?
Use the library's Finding Articles from Citations page, which is part of the Finding Materials from Citations Guide.
For assistance, contact the reference desk at 410-777-2456 or
More ways to get help:
MLA-style and APA-style guidelines change over time, especially for citing sources accessed electronically. For the most up-to-date information about how to cite sources correctly, visit these pages:
Using a citation generator from a database or website?
Doublecheck to be sure the generator has used the newest rules.