These examples follow guidelines from the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2013), which are currently out of date. Examples that reflect the 7th edition guidelines (2020) are available now at
Many of these sites offer information about constructing in-text citations, as well as constructing citations for bibliographies and references lists:
Places of Publication
Page numbers
Library Databases - No DOI
Books by single authors
Author Name. (Year). Book title. Publication place: Publisher. (if given)
Chitty, D. (1996). Do lemmings commit suicide? Beautiful hypotheses and ugly facts. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Books by two to seven authors
Author Names, separated by commas, an ampersand (&) before the last. (Year). Book title. Publication place: Publisher. (if given)
Levitt, S. D., & Duber, S. J. (2006). Freakonomics: A rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything. New York, NY: William Morrow.
Books by more than seven authors
Six Author Names,...Last Author Name (Year). Book title. Publication place: Publisher. (if given)
Hoffman, R., Benz, E. J., Silberstein, L. E., Heslop, H. E., Weitz, J. I., Anastasi, J.,...Abutalib, S. A. (2017). Hematology: Basic principles and practice (7th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
Books by corporate or organization authors
Corporation or Organization Name. (Year). Book title. Publication place: Publisher (if the publisher is the author, list Author for the publisher). (if given)
Children's Expressions. (2008). From the future: Children speaking about oppression. New York, NY: Author.
Books by unknown authors
Book title. (Year). Publication place: Publisher. (if given)
New York Public Library business desk reference (Rev. ed). (1999). New York, NY: J. Wiley.
Books with editor(s)
Editor(s) (Ed or Eds.). (Year). Book title. Publication place: Publisher. (if given)
Moten, B., Elver, F., & Cuscher, J. (Eds.). (2005). Lives in context: Perspectives on the ecology of humans. Washington, DC: American Psychology Council.
Editions other than the first
Author(s) or Editor(s). (Year). Book title (edition description or number). Publication place: Publisher. (if given)
Pasachoff, J. (1992). Field guide to the stars and planets (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Wessels, T. (2009). The myth of progress: Toward a sustainable future (Rev. and expanded ed.). Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England.
Multivolume sets
Author(s) or Editor(s). (Year(s)). Title of set (Vols. number range). Publication place: Publisher. (if given)
Guthrie, J. W. (Ed.). (2003). Encyclopedia of education (Vols. 1-8). New York, NY: Macmillan.
Book entries or sections (chapters, forwards, etc.)
Author(s) of section or entry, if given. (Year). Entry heading, Section title, or Description. In Author(s) or Editor(s)., Book title (Edition, Vol. number (if any), p. or pp. page(s) of entry or section). Publication place: Publisher. (if given)
Jeffrey, I. (1988). Introduction. In B. Savelev, Secret city: Photographs from the USSR (pp. 8-12). New York, NY: Thames and Hudson.
Lowey, R. S. (2010). Ethical issues in addiction medicine. In N. S. Miller & M. S. Gold (Eds.), Addictive disorders in medical populations (pp. 31-51). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Scatology. (2003). In Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed., p. 1107). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.
Shuman, R. B. (2017). The Indian Ocean tsunami. In R. S. Carmichael (Ed.), Notable natural disasters (2nd ed., Vol. 3, pp. 974-980). Ipswich, MA: Salem Press.
Shorter works (like articles) reprinted in books
Author(s) of work. (Year). Title of selection. In Editor(s) (Ed(s).), Book title (Edition, Vol. number (if any), p. or pp. page(s) of selection). Publication place: Publisher. (Reprinted from Original Citation Information)
Jacobs, J. (2018). Beyond the factory model. In G. L. Koonce (Ed.), Taking sides: Clashing views on educational issues (19th ed., pp. 275-280). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education (Reprinted from Education Next, 14(4), 35-41, 2014, Fall).
Stervant, G. (2005). Art history and its exclusions. In J. C. McIntire & D. F. Polinski (Eds.), Critical perspectives on art education (pp. 99-115). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Reprinted from Missing: Uncovering art, pp. 1-14, by F. N. White, Ed., 1975, New York, NY: Nova)
Section/chapter in a specific volume of a set or series
Section Author(s), if given. (Year). Title of section. In Editor’s name (Ed.), Title of anthology (Edition, Volume (if any), pp. page numbers of selection). Place of publication: Publisher. (Reprinted from Original Citation Information)
Umberger, L. (2013). Art cars. In C. R. Wilson (General Ed.), C. Crown (Vol. Ed.), & C. Rivers (Vol. Ed.), The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture: Vol. 19. Folk art (pp. 54-56). Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press.
Images and other visuals from books
Creator of image or artwork (if given). (Book copyright year). Title of artwork, if any [medium] or [Description, including medium]. Repository of artwork, Location (if applicable). In Author(s) or Editor(s) Book title (Edition, Vol. number (if any), p. or pp. page(s)). Publication place: Publisher. (Original work year, if applicable) (if given)
[Human heart diagram]. (2007). In L. Hamby, Coronary conditions (p. 5). New York, NY: Universe.
Piccato, N. (2009). Fig tree [painting]. Museum of Historical Art, New York, NY. In F. Wye (Ed.), Art with foliage (2nd ed., p. 34). New York, NY: Nola. (Original work 1795).
[Satellite photographs of light distributions in Maryland]. (2008). In M. Knight, Too light: The effects of light pollution (pp. 392-399). New York, NY: Riley. (Original work 2007).
eBooks - library databases and websites
(Cite as you would books in print, omitting publisher name and location, and, if not provided, page numbers). or Retrieved from Database Name. or URL
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Anxiety disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
Prairie oyster. (2002). In Rawson's dictionary of euphemisms and other doubletalk. Retrieved from Credo Reference database.
Sartwell, C. (2016). Beauty. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Winter 2017 ed.). Retrieved from
eBooks - eReaders and downloads
(Cite as you would books in print, omitting publisher name and location, and, if not provided, page numbers) [eReader version or file type]. or Retrieved from homepage URL of the site where the book was downloaded
Drum, D., & Zierenberg, T. (2006). The type 2 diabetes sourcebook (3rd ed.) [Adobe Digital Editions version].
Undin, J. (2008). Heart times. In M. Meyer (Ed.), Essays on hope (rev. ed., pp. 487-491) [Kindle Fire version]. Retrieved from
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