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Research Guide to Sports

Find more sources

Now that you've got the basics, use the resources on this page to learn more about your topic or find answers to specific questions.

Search tips

Use Advanced Search to combine multiple concepts with AND in the same search. Draw on the vocabulary you built during your background research.

Example question:
What are the legal implications of paying college athletes?

Example search:

("college athletes" OR "student athletes")
AND (compensation OR pay)
AND (legal OR laws)

Subject databases

Search multiple databases

Many periodicals only appear in one database. Searching several at once will get you more hits, but you'll have to be more strategic with keywords and filters to find the most relevant results.

* Includes SPORTDiscus, Academic Search Premier, MasterFILE Premier, and Health Source.

Limit Your Results:

General databases

Health & wellness databases

These databases can help you learn about topics like sports injuries and benefits of exercise:

No full text?

If you've only got an abstract or citation of a source you want to find, see:

Books, e-books, & videos

Library photo courtesy of Barry Halkin Photography