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Research Guide to Sports

Resources and guidance for researching topics related to sports.

Note for screen reader users

Placement of proper punctuation, including commas and periods, is vital to correct MLA citation, so you may wish to adjust your verbosity settings to ensure all punctuation is spoken. Other key visual styles such as italics and capital letters are identified in the text. Examples of citation elements are preceded by the word Example. If you encounter any problems, please report them via email, chat, or phone.

Elements of a citation

The MLA recommends including these nine core elements when creating a source citation. If an element is not applicable to the specific source, skip it.

Please note that examples on this page are partial, not full, citations.

Navigation for this page

  1. Jump to:
  2. Author
  3. Title of source
  4. Title of container
  5. Other contributors
  6. Version
  7. Number
  8. Publisher
  9. Publication date
  10. Location

1. Author or responsible party

First author

List the author's last name first, followed by a comma, then the first name and middle initial (if provided).

Example: Last, First M.

If the author formats their name another way, such as a first initial followed by a middle name, keep that same formatting, but the last name should still be listed first.

Example: Fitzgerald, F. Scott.

For other kinds of creators and for editors, follow with a comma and description, such as editor. Do not capitalize the description.

Example: Garnett, Constance, translator. Translator is spelled with a lowercase letter t.

Two authors or editors

Include both names in the order given in the source, with the word and between them. List the second author or editor's name in traditional order.

Example: Mahon, Connie R., and Donald C. Lehman.

Three or more authors or editors

List the first author, followed by a comma and et al. The phrase et al. should be in lowercase letters, followed by a period, and not italicized.

Example: White, Deborah G., et al.

Corporate author

If the author is an organization, company, etc., and no person's name is listed as author, use the name of the organization, leaving out the words a, an or the if they appear at the start of the name.

Example: Modern Language Association.

Exception: If the publisher (element 7, below) is the same organization, list the organization's name in the publication position rather than as the author. Begin your citation with the title.

Government sources

If no person is named as the author, begin with the name of the government (such as a country or state), then list other organizational units from largest to smallest, spelling out all names.

Example: United States, Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Proper nouns

Remember that organizations, companies, government agencies, etc., are proper nouns, so first letters of words should be capitalized.

No author

If there is no author or corporate author, begin your citation with the title.

Other media

If citing other media, like film or television, begin with the contributor most important to your discussion of the work, followed by a descriptive label, such as producer, host, screenwriter, creator, etc. Do not capitalize the descriptive label.

If your discussion is not focused on a particular contributor, begin with the title and list key contributors later.

End with a period

Always end the author element with a period, regardless of whether it is a person, group, or organization.

2. Title of source


Use title case, in which the first letters of words are capitalized, except articles, prepositions, coordinating conjunctions (the words and, but, or), and the word to in an infinitive (e.g., Learn to Code; the L and C in Learn and Code are capitalized, but the T in to is not capitalized). However, always capitalize the first letter of the first and last words of titles and subtitles.

Example: And Justice for All: An Oral History of the Japanese American Detention Camps.

All words in this title are capitalized except for, of, and the. The word And is capitalized because it's the first word of the title and The word An is capitalized because it's the first word of the subtitle.

Part of a larger work

Place the title in quotation marks if it is a short story, poem, essay, article, song, television show episode, webpage, etc.

Self-contained work

Italicize the title of books, plays, albums, films, TV shows, periodicals, websites, etc.

Untitled work

Provide a description using standard capitalization with no quotation marks or italics.

Example 1: Text message to the author.

Example 2: Photograph of Sears Tower under construction.

In preceding two examples, the first letter of the first word is capitalized, as well as Sears Tower since it's a proper noun.

For an email, include the subject line in quotation marks.

Example 3, with last three words in quotation marks: Email to the author with the subject line "Foundation Impact Report."

In preceding example, the E of email is capitalized, as well as the first letters of Foundation Impact Report.

End with a period

The title of the source should end with a period. If the title is in quotation marks, the period appears before the closing quotation mark.

Example: "The Lottery."

Exception: If the title ends with a question mark or exclamation point, do not add a period.

Example: If Not Now, When?

3. Title of container/s

Capitalization & styling

If the source is part of a larger whole (which MLA calls a container), list the title of any larger work in title case and italics. For example, if your source is a newspaper article, the container is the newspaper in which it appears.

Example: "Four Years On, the Mysteries of Covid Are Unraveling." New York Times

In the preceding example, the first title, Four Years On, the Mysteries of COVID Are Unraveling, is in quotation marks. There is a period after Unraveling and before the closing quotation mark. New York Times is in italics.

If your source is a story from your course text, the story title should appear first, then the title of the textbook, which is the container.

Example: "And of Clay Are We Created." The Norton Anthology of World Literature

In the preceding example, quotation marks appear around the words And of Clay Are We Created, with a period before the closing quotation mark. The title of the Norton work is in italics. All words have the first letter capitalized except the word of in both titles.

Multiple containers

If one container is nested in another container, provide core elements 3 through 9 for each, from smallest container to largest. For example, an article might have two containers: the journal in which it appears, then the library database from which the journal is retrieved. A television episode's first container is the TV series, while a second might be a streaming service.

4. Other contributors

You may include descriptions and names of other contributors if relevant. Because the title element/s end with a period, start this element with a capital letter.

Example: Schmidt, R. Marilyn. Gardening on the Eastern Seashore. Illustrated by Dorothy M. Hunt …

Here, Schmidt is the author and Gardening on the Eastern Shore (in italics) is the title of a book. Hunt is an added contributor; note that the first letter of Illustrated is capitalized.

Some other examples of contributors are editors, translators, narrators, adapters, photographers, directors, performers, etc.

Example: Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Directed by Simon Godwin, performance by Paapa Essiedu …

In this example, the first letter of the first contributor description (Directed) is capitalized, but the second contributor follows a comma, so that role (performance) is not capitalized.

Special editors

For guest editors, general editors, or series editors, list the description first, followed by a comma and the name or names.

5. Version

If applicable, include the edition or version, separated by a comma, such as: revised ed., abridged version, or director's cut.

Write ordinal numbers with Arabic numerals. That is, write eighth edition as 8th ed. (numeral 8, letters t h, space, ed, period) or thirty-third edition as 33rd ed. (numeral 33, letters r d, space, ed, period).

If there is no edition or version information, simply skip this element.

6. Number

Replace Roman numerals

If a source provides its volume or issue numbers using Roman numerals, change them to Arabic numbering. For instance, if a journal identifies a volume as Roman numeral I X, write vol. 9 in your citation.


Include the volume and issue number for periodicals like journals and magazines. Use the abbreviation vol. for the volume and no. for the issue number.

Example: Educational Technology & Society, vol. 27, no. 1 …

Note that the journal title (container) is followed by a comma, then the volume number, then another comma and issue number. Both abbreviations are in lowercase letters and followed by a period. Only the journal title is in italics.

Books in multiple volumes

If your source is from a specific volume of a multi-volume set of books, include the volume number.

Example: Norton Anthology of World Literature, general editor, Martin Puchner, 3rd ed., vol. E …

In this example, volumes are assigned letters instead of numbers – use the system provided by the source. Note that the title, contributor label (general editor), contributor's name, version (3rd ed.), and volume are all separated by commas.


If a source is part of any numbered sequence, include a description and the number. For example, you would include the season and number of a specific television or podcast episode: for example, season 2, episode 5 …

7. Publisher

Company names

When the publisher is a university press, replace those words in the name with the letters U P – capitalized and with no periods. For example, Yale University Press would be written as Yale U P while University of Chicago Press would be U of Chicago P. In both examples, the letters U and P are capitalized, as well as the first letters of the words Yale and Chicago.

Do not include business words or abbreviations like Incorporated (Inc.), Company (Co.), or Limited (Ltd.). If those words or abbreviations are listed as part of the name, just leave them out.

If the publisher's name includes an ampersand (&), replace it with the word and.

Divisions & imprints

Sources like book title pages, websites, and films may list parent companies – companies that own the smaller divisions or imprints that published the source. Do not include these parent companies in your citation, just the smaller unit directly responsible. So, for example, if a title page says, Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Ltd., the citation would include only Routledge.

Multiple publishers (co-publishers)

If more than one publisher, studio, distributor, network, or company is listed, present them in the order they appear in the source, separated by a forward slash.

8. Publication date

Date format & abbreviations

Use this general format for dates: day month year. Do not include any commas.

Example: 15 July 2022

Abbreviate months with names longer than 4 letters. Follow the abbreviation with a period.

Example: 28 Sept. 2019. In this example, Sept. is followed by a period then a space before the year 2019.

If the publication date does not include a specific day, just list the year and month. For instance, magazines and journals may be published monthly, so the date may be something like Oct. 2024.

If the publication date is a year, as is typical of books or movies, just give the year.

Some periodicals are published seasonally and will list the season and year in place of a date. In a citation, give the date the same way, such as spring 2015. Do not capitalize the season and don't include a comma.

Replace Roman numerals

If a source date is listed using Roman numerals, change them to Arabic numbering. For instance, if a film's credits list the date as Roman numeral M C M L V, write 1955 in your citation.

Multiple dates

When a source lists more than one date, include the most relevant one.

For instance, an e-book may give a text copyright date of 1988, first edition from this publisher 1991, and e-book publication date of 2010. Because you're referencing the e-book, list 2010 as the date for your citation.

If you're citing a webpage or blog post that has an original publication date and a date it was revised, list the revised date, because that's the version you're citing.

9. Location

Page numbers for print sources

For print sources like books, e-books, and articles, list a page number or range of pages unless you're citing an entire book. For instance, if you're using a play that appears in its own standalone volume, the relevant pages are all the pages in the book, so you shouldn't list the page numbers in your Works Cited. However, if you're citing the same play but it appears in a textbook alongside several other works, do include the page numbers to indicate where the play appears.

Introduce page numbers with the abbreviation p. for a single page or p p. for multiple pages – both abbreviations are lowercase, not italicized, and followed by a period and space. List numbers exactly as they appear in the source, whether Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…), Roman numerals in upper- or lowercase, or some other system.

Three examples:
  1. pp. 35-80
  2. pp. ii-xii
  3. p. F3
. In these examples, start and ending pages are separated by a dash. Roman numerals are lowercase, though they should be uppercase if that is how they appear in the particular source. F is uppercase and there is no space separating it from 3; again, this should appear exactly as formatted in the source. Nothing is italicized.

If giving a range of pages in standard (Arabic) numerals, there is a slight change for numbers over 100. If the first and last page have the same first digit, you should list only the last two digits for the last page. So a source that starts on page 144 and ends on page 165 would be formatted as pp. 144-65.

If a source is not printed on consecutive pages, list pp. to show that the source spans multiple pages, then the first page number followed by the plus sign +. For example, pp. A2+ indicates that a story starts on page A2 then continues on another page, but not consecutively (if the story ended on page A3, you'd list that range). This type of numbering is often seen for newspapers.

Digital object identifiers (D O I)

If an online item has a D O I, always include it, starting with To learn more about D O I s, see this FAQ: Where can I find a D O I number for an article?

URL if online source has no D O I

If a source accessed online has no D O I, list as location its stable web address (URL), omitting the protocol (such as http://). Do not underline the URL and make sure it is in the same color as the rest of the citation.

Do not use a URL from a shortening service like If a URL takes up more than three lines, you should truncate (shorten) it, making sure to retain the full host and domain, such as

In-person sources or events

For a physical object experienced firsthand, like a piece of art viewed in a museum, list the repository and city name (unless the repository includes the city). If necessary for clarity, include state or province and/or country name.

Example 1: Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Example 2: Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland

For a live event, like a conference presentation or music concert, list the venue, plus the city, state/province, and country, as appropriate – use the same guidelines as above.


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