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Brown, Matthew. “Hamilton on Broadway and the Founding in American Culture: An Introduction.” The Independent Review, vol. 21, no. 4, spring 2017, pp. 485–87. Academic Search Premier,,ip,uid,url&db=aph&AN=121733247&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Garrett, Charles Hiroshi. "Hamilton Forum: Guest Editor's Introduction." American Music, vol. 36, no. 4, winter 2018, pp. 407–11. Project MUSE,
Kelly, Catherine E. "Introduction: Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton: An American Musical and the Early American Republic." Journal of the Early Republic, vol. 37, no. 2, summer 2017, pp. 251–53. Project MUSE,
Romano, Renee Christine, and Claire Bond Potter. “Introduction: History is Happening in Manhattan.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 1–14. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Gentry, Philip. “Hamilton's Ghosts.” American Music, vol. 35, no. 2, summer 2017, pp. 271–80. Project MUSE,
Kajikawa, Loren. “‘Young, Scrappy, and Hungry’: Hamilton, Hip Hop, and Race.” American Music, vol. 36, no. 4, winter 2018, pp. 467–86. Project MUSE,
McAllister, Marvin. “Toward a More Perfect Hamilton.” Journal of the Early Republic, vol. 37, no. 2, summer 2017, pp. 279–88. Project MUSE,
Searcy, Anne. “Bringing Dance Back to the Center in Hamilton.” American Music, vol. 36, no. 4, winter 2018, pp. 448–66. Project MUSE,
Williams, Justin A. “‘We Get the Job Done’: Immigrant Discourse and Mixtape Authenticity in The Hamilton Mixtape.” American Music, vol. 36, no. 4, winter 2018, pp. 487–506. Project MUSE,
Harbert, Elissa. “Hamilton and History Musicals.” American Music, vol. 36, no. 4, winter 2018, pp. 412–28. Project MUSE,
Herrera, Brian Eugenio. “Looking at Hamilton from Inside the Broadway Bubble.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 222–45. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Hogelan, William. “From Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton to Hamilton: An American Musical.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 17–41. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Searcy, Anne. “Bringing Dance Back to the Center in Hamilton.” American Music, vol. 36, no. 4, winter 2018, pp. 448–66. Project MUSE,
Schocket, Andrew M. “Hamilton and the American Revolution on State and Screen.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 167–86. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Binelli, Mark. “Hamilton Mania.” Rolling Stone, no. 1263, June 2016, pp. 36–43. Academic Search Premier,
Craft, Elizabeth Titrington. "Headfirst into an Abyss: The Politics and Political Reception of Hamilton." American Music, vol. 36, no. 4, winter 2018, pp. 429–47. Project MUSE,
Potter, Claire Bond. “Safe in the Nation We’ve Made: Staging Hamilton on Social Media.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 324–50. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Romano, Renee C. “Hamilton: A New American Myth.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 297–323. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Smith, Billy G. “Alexander Hamilton: The Wrong Hero for Our Age.” The Independent Review, vol. 21, no. 4, spring 2017, pp. 519–22. Academic Search Premier,,ip,uid,url&db=aph&AN=121733251&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Stoller, Matt. “The Hamilton Hustle: Why Liberals Have Embraced Our Most Dangerously Reactionary Founder.” The Baffler, no. 34, spring 2017, pp. 34–43. JSTOR,
Alternative format available: HTML version of Stoller's The Hamilton Hustle from The Baffler website (via Internet Archive).
Wollman, Elizabeth L. “From The Black Crook to Hamilton: A Brief History of Hot Tickets on Broadway.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 187–221. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Allgor, Catherine. “‘Remember I’m Your Man’: Masculinity, Marriage, and Gender in Hamilton.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 94–115. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Herrera, Patricia. “Reckoning with America’s Racial Past, Present, and Future in Hamilton.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 260–76. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Kajikawa, Loren. “‘Young, Scrappy, and Hungry’: Hamilton, Hip Hop, and Race.” American Music, vol. 36, no. 4, winter 2018, pp. 467–86. Project MUSE,
McAllister, Marvin. “Toward a More Perfect Hamilton.” Journal of the Early Republic, vol. 37, no. 2, summer 2017, pp. 279–88. Project MUSE,
Monteiro, Lyra D., et al. “Race-Conscious Casting and the Erasure of the Black Past in Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton.” The Public Historian, vol. 38, no. 1, Feb. 2016, pp. 89–98. JSTOR,
Nathans, Heather S. “Crooked Histories: Re-presenting Race, Slavery, and Alexander Hamilton Onstage.” Journal of the Early Republic, vol. 37, no. 2, summer 2017, pp. 271–78. Project MUSE,
O’Malley, Michael O. “The Ten-Dollar Founding: Hamilton, Money, and Federalism.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 119–36. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Stringham, Edward Peter. “Hamilton's Legacy and the Great Man Theory of Financial History.” The Independent Review, vol. 21, no. 4, spring 2017, pp. 523–33. Academic Search Premier,,ip,uid,url&db=aph&AN=121733252&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Wright, Robert E. “The Musical Hamilton from the Perspective of Financial History, in Verse.” The Independent Review, vol. 21, no. 4, spring 2017, pp. 535–44. Academic Search Premier,,ip,uid,url&db=aph&AN=121733253&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Adelman, Joseph M. “Who Tells Your Story?: Hamilton as a People’s History.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 277–96. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Brown, Matthew. “A Founding, If You Can Keep It.” The Independent Review, vol. 21, no. 4, spring 2017, pp. 489–96. Academic Search Premier,,ip,uid,url&db=aph&AN=121733248&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Carp, Benjamin L. “World Wide Enough: Historiography, Imagination, and Stagecraft.” Journal of the Early Republic, vol. 37, no. 2, summer 2017, pp. 289–94. Project MUSE,
Harris, Leslie M. “The Greatest City in the World?: Slavery in New York in the Age of Hamilton.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 71–93. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Freeman, Joanne B. “Will the Real Alexander Hamilton Please Stand Up?” Journal of the Early Republic, vol. 37, no. 2, summer 2017, pp. 255–62. Project MUSE,
Freeman, Joanne B. “Can We Get Back to Politics? Please?: Hamilton’s Missing Politics in Hamilton.” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 42–57. EBSCO eBook Collection,
Isenberg, Nancy. “‘Make 'em Laugh’: Why History Cannot Be Reduced to Song and Dance.” Journal of the Early Republic, vol. 37, no. 2, summer 2017, pp. 295–303. Project MUSE,
Magness, Phillip W. “Alexander Hamilton as Immigrant: Musical Mythology Meets Federalist Reality.” The Independent Review, vol. 21, no. 4, spring 2017, pp. 497–508. Academic Search Premier,,ip,uid,url&db=aph&AN=121733249&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Manseau, Peter. “Father Worship: Hamilton's ‘New World Scripture.’” The Baffler, no. 32, 2016, pp. 15–19.,
Alternative format available: HTML version of Manseau's Father Worship from The Baffler website (via Internet Archive).
Nathans, Heather S. “Crooked Histories: Re-presenting Race, Slavery, and Alexander Hamilton Onstage.” Journal of the Early Republic, vol. 37, no. 2, summer 2017, pp. 271–78. Project MUSE,
Nereson, Ariel. “Hamilton’s America: An Unfinished Symphony with a Stutter (Beat).” American Quarterly, vol. 68, no. 4, Dec. 2016, pp. 1045–59. Project MUSE,
Owen, Kenneth. “Can Great Art Also Be Great History?” The Independent Review, vol. 21, no. 4, spring 2017, pp. 509–17. Academic Search Premier,,ip,uid,url&db=aph&AN=121733250&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Schocket, Andrew M. “The American Revolution Rebooted: Hamilton and Genre in Contemporary Culture.” Journal of the Early Republic, summer 2017, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 263–69. Project MUSE,
Styrt, Philip Goldfarb. “Toward a Historicism of Setting: Hamilton and American History.” Modern Drama, vol. 61, no. 1, spring 2018, pp. 1–18. Project MUSE,
Waldstreicher, David, and Jeffrey L. Pasley. “Hamilton as Founders Chic: A New-Federalist, Antislavery Usable Past?” Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America’s Past, edited by Renee Christine Romano and Claire Bond Potter, Rutgers UP, 2018, pp. 137–66. EBSCO eBook Collection,
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