Hamilton: An American Musical (2015): Library Resources

A list of resources available through Truxal Library for researching Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton: An American Musical

Library Databases

Use the links below to search for criticism and interpretation of literary works, as well as biographical information about authors. To access databases from off-campus, you will need to log in with your MyAACC credentials or enter your library barcode number.

Use this database for general background information and to define unfamiliar words and phrases:

To further research historical context of literary works, use:

Use these databases to broaden your search:

Searching for Full Text

No full text available?
Have only an article's abstract or just a citation?

Use the library's Finding Articles from Citations page, which is part of the Finding Materials from Citations Guide.

For assistance, contact the reference desk at 410-777-2456 or truxal@aacc.libanswers.com.

Research Assistance

More ways to get help:

New rules

MLA-style and APA-style guidelines change periodically, especially for citing sources accessed electronically. For the most up-to-date information about how to cite sources correctly, visit:

Using a citation generator from a database or website? Double-check to be sure the generator has used the current rules.