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Copyright: News

Resources for understanding copyright at AACC

Copyright News

What's New
Stanford University Libraries provide copyright and fair use news. Keep uptodate on copyright opinions, dockets, legislation, regulations, Copyright Office, articles, news, and blog posts.

Copyright Advisory Office
Columbia University Libraries provide a comprehensive look at copyright in language that you can understand. Basic explanations of Fair Use, model permission letters, and updates in copyright news and legislation.

Kevin Smith's Blog, Duke University Library, Office of Scholarly Communication
Duke University Libraries source for advice and information about copyright and publication issues.

Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
Updates on Copyright & Intellectual Property Policies.
ARL, working with the Center for Social Media at American University and the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property in American University’s Washington College of Law, prepared a Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries.

Center for Social Media
The Center for Social Media showcases and analyzes media for public knowledge and action—media made by, for, and with publics to address the problems that they share.