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The Research Process: Step 7

An overview of the Research Process, which includes information about search strategies, how to choose and refine topics, kinds of resources, and citing sources


Download Worksheets (PDF) detailing The Research Process.  To view the file, you will need Acrobat Reader, which you can download for free from Adobe.

Handout for Understanding Library of Congress Call Numbers

This handout describes the Library of Congress classification system, the system that almost all colleges and universities use to organize their materials. 

Find Detailed & Historical Information: Library Catalog

Search the Library Catalog to find information about books, periodicals, and audio/visual materials housed in Truxal Library.

If you find something that you'd like to read, but you don't take classes at the Arnold campus where the library is located, you may request delivery of books to Arundel Mills, Glen Burnie Town Center, or HCAT.  If you do not take classes at Arnold or one of these other locations, contact the Distance Learning Librarian to arrange for delivery (e-mail:; phone: 410-777-2216).

You may also use the resources of your local public library or community college library.

Please note: Truxal Library books on popular topics get checked out early and can be checked out for four weeks, so start your research as soon as possible.

Gather Citation Information

Be sure to gather the information you will need to create citations for these sources:

For Books

Full name(s) of author(s) or editor(s):

Full title of the book:

Facts of publication (city, publisher, latest copyright date):

Edition name or number, if there's more than one:

If applicable, name of series, volume number, and total volumes in the series:

Original publication information of a reprinted work:

If using a specific section (introduction, forward, etc.), title, author, and page numbers of that section:

Page number(s) for information read or noted:

For Journal, Magazine, And Newspaper Articles

Full name(s) of author(s):

Full title of the article:

Full title of the journal, magazine, or newspaper:

Facts of publication (publication date and, if applicable, volume and issue numbers):

Starting and ending page number(s) for the article:

Original publication information of any reprinted work:

Page number(s) for information noted:

Research Assistance

More ways to get help:

Library photo courtesy of Barry Halkin Photography