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The Assistant (1957): Library Resources

A list of resources available through Truxal Library for researching Bernard Malamud's The Assisstant

Library Databases

Use the links below to search for criticism and interpretation of literary works, as well as biographical information about authors. To access databases from off-campus, you will need to log in with your MyAACC credentials or enter your library barcode number.

Use this database for general background information and to define unfamiliar words and phrases:

To further research historical context of literary works, use:

Use these databases to broaden your search:

Searching for Full Text

No full text available?
Have only an article's abstract or just a citation?

Use the library's Finding Articles from Citations page, which is part of the Finding Materials from Citations Guide.

For assistance, contact the reference desk at 410-777-2456 or

Books & Audio/Visual Materials

Conduct a "Subject Browse" search using the Library Catalog for:

  • Malamud, Bernard

You'll find library materials that provide biographical information about Bernard Malamud as well criticism and interpretation of his work.

Reference Material

Search the Library Catalog for the following reference titles that contain material about Bernard Malamud's The Assistant. These titles may be available in other college or public libraries.

  • American Diversity, American Identity: The Lives and Works of 145 Writers Who Define the American Experience
  • American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies [supp 1, part 2]
  • Contemporary Jewish-American Novelists: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook
  • Contemporary Literary Criticism (CLC) - Contains passages from literary criticism originally published in books and journals
    • [vols 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 11, 18, 27, 44, 78, 85] - look for The Assistant in the Cumulative Title Index, a separate paperback index that accompanies this multi-volume work
  • Critical Survey of Long Fiction [vol 5]
  • Cyclopedia of Literary Characters [vol 1]
  • Cyclopedia of Literary Places [vol 1]
  • Masterplots [vol 1]
  • Notable American Novelists [vol 2]
  • Novels for Students [vol 27]
  • Survey of Contemporary Literature [vol 1]
  • Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism (TCLC)- Contains passages from literary criticism originally published in books and journals
    • [vols 129, 184] - look for The Assistant in the Cumulative Title Index, a separate paperback index that accompanies this multi-volume work

Research Assistance

More ways to get help:


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Using a citation generator from a database or website? Double-check to be sure the generator has used the current rules.