Sport medicine pediatricsSport Medicine Pediatrics presents the latest research and developments in the areas of youth body image disorders, concussions, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD), and osteochondroses. Initially, the video looks at the issue of body dissatisfaction in both young boys and girls, noting risk factors, social influences, and consequences associated with a negative body image. The video also presents the published research on medication options for concussion treatment, including statistics on usage, to help reduce the severity of symptoms of a concussion and shorten the recovery period for young athletes. In addition, the video explores the prevalence of ADHD/ADD in the young athlete population, including incidence by gender and group, symptoms and challenges for those with the condition, pathophysiology, effect on motor skills and development, and how treatment affects movement and balance. Finally, the video discusses the various osteochondroses that affect the growth of bones and joints in children and adolescents, including the evidence-based medicine of diagnosis, treatment, and return to play.