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Research Guide to Current Controversies

Resources and guidance for researching current controversial topics and social issues.

Remote access to library resources

Nearly all the library's online resources – journals, e-books, videos, and more – are available anywhere you have internet access!

  • Use your MyAACC username and password to log into library resources when you're off campus.
    • If you're not an active AACC student or employee or otherwise don't have a MyAACC login, you'll need a Truxal library card number for access. You'll find the number on the back of your card; enter the full barcode number with no spaces or dashes.
    • Trouble with your MyAACC login? You can use the library card number found on your digital ID card in the college ID app. (And check the password reset instructions from the Technical Service Desk.)
    • AACC faculty and staff connected through the college VPN will not need to log in.
  • Always access databases from an AACC page.
    • Use a subject guide or our databases list. If you reach a database via Google, it won't know you're an AACC user, so you won't be able to log in.
    • Links to specific articles, e-books, and other items should also point to AACC's authentication server – if you're having trouble opening an item from home, see this FAQ on troubleshooting links.
    • You don't have to log into Canvas or MyAACC to use library resources.
  • You're not required to set up an account for each database.
    • While most databases offer advanced features if you create an account with your email, you can access articles, e-books, and videos without doing so.
    • If you're asked for a username and password (instead of your library card number) when trying to get back to an item you've bookmarked, see this FAQ on troubleshooting links.

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