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Catch-22 (1961): Web Sources

A list of resources available through Truxal Library for researching Joseph Heller's Catch-22


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These are open-access websites: 

Joseph Heller
Information and links from Columbia University about alum Heller

Audio Interviews with Joseph Heller and Speed Vogel
Audio files of two interviews with
Don Swaim

The Paris Review Interviews: Joseph Heller
Interviewed by George Plimpton

Library of Congress Web Guide: WWII
Wide variety of material related to World War II, including photographs, documents, newspapers, films, sheet music, and sound recordings

World Wars: World War II
From the BBC, the causes, events, and people of the conflict

World War II: Documents
Documents in law, history, and diplomacy from the Avalon Project at Yale Law School

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Library photo courtesy of Barry Halkin Photography