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Snow Falling on Cedars (1994)

A list of resources available through Truxal Library for researching David Guterson's Snow Falling on Cedars


These are open-access websites:

ARC Gallery: Japanese American Experiences during World War II
Images and other records of Japanese American internees in the National Archives holdings

David Guterson, Snow Falling on Cedars
Essay published by the Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest, University of Washington

Japanese American Exhibit and Access Project
University of Washington Libraries' projects related to the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II

A Guide to World War II Materials
From the Library of Congress

Snow Falling on Cedars: History Lite and Stereotypes
An article from Picturing Justice: The On-Line Journal of Law and Popular Culture

Topaz Museum
Website of the Topaz Internment Camp in Utah