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As I Lay Dying (1930): Web Sources

A list of resources available through Truxal Library for researching William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying


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These are open-access websites:

HarperAudio: William Faulkner
Audio files of Faulkner speeches and readings of his work, from a division of HarperCollins

The Mississippi Writer's Page: William Faulkner
Biography published by the Department of English at the University of Mississippi

Remembering Faulkner
Audio file and transcript of a discussion that Elizabeth Farnsworth led about Faulkner's impact, from a NewsHour with Jim Lehrer

Teaching Faulkner
Archive from the Center for Faulkner Studies of
articles from the Teaching Faulkner newsletter, as well as invited essays by noted Faulkner scholars

William Faulkner on the Web
Features commentaries on his novels, an extensive character and place-name glossary, bibliographies, genealogies, chronologies, and biographical information

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