MLA-style and APA-style guidelines change periodically, especially for citing sources accessed electronically. For the most up-to-date information about how to cite sources correctly, visit:
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These are open-access websites:
American Slave Narratives: An Online Anthology
Hypertext and audio files from the University of Virginia's American Studies Department
Frederick Douglass National Historic Site Virtual Museum Exhibit
From the National Park Services' Museum Management Program, this virtual museum exhibit focuses on Frederick Douglass' life at his last home, Cedar Hill, in Washington, D.C.
Frederick Douglass Project
This project seeks to digitize all of the Frederick Douglass materials held in the collections of the University of Rochester Library
The Frederick Douglass Papers
Primary documents, including more autobiographies, and supplementary information provided by The Library of Congress
More ways to get help:
Library photo courtesy of Barry Halkin Photography